FORMNEXT CONNECT 2020, Here we go!

Formnext Connect 2020 is the virtual alternative for business and knowledge exchange for the global Additive Manufacturing community in these times of a global pandemic.

For more than 5 years we have been partners with important 3D printers’ manufacturers. Helping on the design, optimisation and improvement of the wiring connections, producing UL certified cable samples needed for the testing processes and manufacturing the final product without a minimum order quantity limitation.

Montagen & Kabeltechnik, as Expert cable manufacturers in the additive manufacturing sector, could not miss and will be present in this virtual version of the fairground that will be held from 10th to 12th of November.

Besides producing cable harnesses, we also collaborate with our clients R+D Department on all the steps of the cable design until the final production. Adapting and optimising the product to our client’s requirements.

Montagen & Kabeltechnik will be delighted to meet you and show you all the technologies and expertise developed for the cable production next November.

We are specially motivated in developing new projects, taking up lots of new ideas, challenges and opportunities and we look forward to implement them together with our partners.

We look forward to meet you there!

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